Best low maintenance pets for apartments

Best low maintenance pets for apartments. As someone who lives in a small apartment, I know the struggle of wanting a furry companion without having the space for a high-maintenance pet. Luckily, there are many low-maintenance pets that are perfect for apartment living! In this article, I’ll discuss the best low maintenance pets for apartments, what to look for in a low maintenance pet, and tips for caring for these pets.

Characteristics of Low Maintenance Pets

Before we dive into specific pets, let’s discuss what makes a pet low maintenance. Some key characteristics to look for in a low maintenance pet include:

  • Low exercise requirements: Pets that don’t require a lot of exercise are ideal for apartment living, since you might not have access to a yard or park.
  • Quiet: Pets that are quiet or make little noise are a good choice for apartment living, especially if you have neighbors.
  • Clean: Pets that are easy to keep clean and don’t require a lot of grooming are ideal for apartment living.
  • Independent: Pets that don’t require a lot of attention or supervision are a good choice for apartment living, especially if you’re away from home for long periods of time.

Best Low Maintenance Pets for Apartments

Now that you know what to look for in a low maintenance pet, here are some of the best pets for apartment living:

  • Fish  are a great low maintenance pet for apartment living. They don’t require much space, exercise, or attention, and they’re quiet. Betta fish, guppies, and neon tetras are all good choices for apartment living.
  • Cats are a great low maintenance pet for apartment living. They’re independent, clean, and don’t require a lot of exercise. Some breeds that are well-suited for apartment living include the American Shorthair, British Shorthair, and Siamese. Just be sure to provide your cat with a litter box and scratching post.
  • Reptiles are also a good choice for apartment living. They don’t require much space, exercise, or attention, and they’re quiet. Some good choices include bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and corn snakes.
  • Birds are a great low maintenance pet for apartment living. They don’t require much space, and some breeds like canaries and finches are relatively quiet. Just be sure to provide your bird with a large enough cage and plenty of toys to keep them entertained.
  • Finally, Small Mammals like hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs are a great low maintenance pet for apartment living. They don’t require much space, and they’re relatively quiet. Just be sure to provide them with plenty of toys and a comfortable place to sleep.

Tips for Caring  Pets

While low maintenance pets require less attention than high-maintenance pets, they still require proper care. Here are some tips for caring for low maintenance pets in your apartment:

  • Provide them with a comfortable living space that’s appropriate for their species.
  • Feed them a balanced and appropriate diet for their species.
  • Provide them with fresh water and clean their living space regularly.
  • Take them to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations.
  • Spend time with them each day, even if it’s just a few minutes of playtime.


If you’re looking for a low maintenance pet for your apartment, there are many great options to choose from. Just remember to look for pets that are quiet, clean, independent, and don’t require a lot of exercise. With proper care, these pets can make great companions in your small living space!

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